Chances are, you or a loved one will face a chronic disease at some point. Learn why these conditions are so common and some ways we can help.

Chronic diseases are conditions that linger on and on. In fact, they’re often incurable, but medical treatment and lifestyle changes often go a long way toward minimizing your symptoms and staving off complications.

Chronic diseases are also very common, affecting around half of Americans. Four in 10 adults have more than one chronic disease, with risks increasing in older age. If you relate to any of these scenarios, getting support is important.

At LA Medical Clinic Inc in Glendale, California, board-certified nurse practitioner Lusine Apikyan, NP, and her team provide chronic disease management to help you thrive.

Take a moment to learn more about chronic conditions, including why they’re prevalent and how to manage your symptoms.

Common chronic diseases

Chronic diseases that top the charts in prevalence in the United States include arthritis, incurable cancer, depression, diabetes, and heart disease. While arthritis is one of the leading causes of disability in adults, cancer and heart disease are among the top causes of death.

Other common chronic diseases include asthma, eating disorders, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and osteoporosis. Somewhat less common examples include Parkinson’s disease, Ahlzeimer’s disease, and multiple sclerosis (MS).

What makes chronic diseases common?

One reason various chronic diseases are increasingly common stems from a good thing: higher life expectancy, thanks to improved health care and medical advances.


Diagnoses also increase in number as diagnostic technology and research improves. In other words, many chronic diseases went undiagnosed hundreds of years ago because little was known about them.

On the downside, a lack of access to health care and a range of common habits also fuel chronic disease. Lifestyle habits that increase your risk for a chronic disease include:

  • Alcohol use
  • Eating a low-nutrient diet
  • Eating excessive amounts of added sugars, sodium, and unhealthy fats
  • Inactivity
  • Tobacco use
  • Secondhand smoke exposure

If you have a family history of a chronic disease, such as cancer, diabetes, or heart disease, these habits increase your odds even higher.

How to manage your chronic disease

Chronic disease management aims to reduce the impact of your condition while enhancing your overall health and life quality. Our team at LA Medical Clinic Inc works with you to create a personalized plan. Based on the cause and severity of your symptoms, your plan may include:

  • Medication management
  • Ongoing discussions about your health and related challenges
  • Recommended lifestyle changes
  • Routine blood tests and health screenings
  • Tailored treatments

We also communicate with any specialists you see to ensure that your whole care team is on the same page. And if your treatment needs updating as time goes on, due to increased or decreased symptoms, we adjust your plan accordingly.

To learn more about chronic disease prevention or management or get the care you need, call LA Medical Clinic Inc for an appointment or book online on our website today.

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